Hey you guys,
I just want to make an apology for my lack of commitment to this blog. Sometimes life hits us in ways we do not expect it and all of a sudden we are busy busy BUSY! But I promise that now I will be committed to this blog and making sure you all get the best possible interaction with this blog.
Now onto the post!
It is hard for some people to actually say that they struggle with anxiety. I am one of them. My life can get so hectic and when crazy things hit you in life, it can cause panic.
A few weeks ago, I went to the doctor to get a few papers signed for grad school and he was doing his usual check-up. He started to feel my throat and he said that my thyroid was a little inflamed and that I needed to get an ultrasound on it. My hands were shaky and I was just freaking out by what the doctor had said.
Every time I hear something bad or that I think is bad, my mind starts to think of the worse case scenarios. "What if I have thyroid cancer?" or "What if they have to put a synthetic thyroid in my throat?" (which is a real thing) or "What if I have to go on medicine!?"
See, the worse things start to come to mind and it happens to the best of us.
When something goes wrong, we tend to start thinking about the worse things that could happen instead of the best things that could happen. That is when anxiety takes over and we go into panic mode.
We tend to let our anxiety get the best of us instead of letting ourselves get the best of us.
This is when self-care comes into play.
During those hard times of worry, stress, and anxiety, we need to learn how to just breathe.
Easier said than done right?
After work today, I ended up going to the ultrasound place to get my thyroid check. I sat in my car and just started crying. Not knowing what the results were going to be. Literally freaking myself out. I said a little prayer before going in and I was literally in and out of that place quicker than the chicken who crossed the road. The whole time I was in there, the staff made me feel less nervous and so did the outcome.
The nurse said that it all looked good and nothing too bad, so I was happy.
The lesson I learned from myself is to stop worrying about what the outcome will be because we never know what is going to happen anyway.
I have been so anxious and I really don't know why, but I have started to get better by just taking some time to rejuvenate and just breathe.
I have been reading more to keep my mind at ease, I have gotten into puzzles and legos (which I am very surprised at), having a few nights to take warm bubble baths to calm myself and to just breathe, practicing more yoga, and even getting into my skincare which I am absolutely all about!
There are so many little things that we can do just to keep ourselves at ease. Take it day by day and not worrying so much about what the future holds. We never know how long we will live, so live each moment with ease and take it all in because we never know when it is going to be gone.
One thing that I love to go do is watch the sunrise. There is just a sense of peace that comes to me when I start my morning sitting on the beach and watching the sun come out. It lets you know how beautiful this day is going to be and there is nothing to worry about.
There are so many self-care resources out there that can help us become more relaxed. Go to yoga with a friend or take an online class with our friend Flow with Anna (blog post about Flow with Anna: https://sustainabilities44.wixsite.com/home/post/go-with-the-flow), go for a walk/hike, hammock, read a book, take a bath, even write accomplishments down in a book!
One book that I am started soon that is just like a journal is called No Worries: A Guided Journal to Help You Calm Anxiety, Relieve Stress, and Practice Positive Thinking Each Day by Bella Mente Press. It is a self-care help book that takes you through different exercises to help relieve stress and anxiety through seeing what is on your mind and to relax you from panic. You can find this book on Amazon for a great price.
If you suffer from anxiety like I do, know that you are not alone and that there are ways to relieve it. Take some time for yourself and as I said before, breathe.
-Azalea Brown